The Top 5 Business Energy Comparison Sites
Nov 5, 2024
From car insurance to credit cards, mobile phone contracts to energy bills, compare business energy websites are king when it comes to making those big decisions – and making financial decisions for your company is no exception to that rule. Using business energy comparison sites can be a fantastic way to access energy suppliers at a better rate, saving business costs and maybe even getting more for your money—a great bonus for any growing company.
But which comparison website is the best option for you? While the consumer comparison market is booming with new possibilities every day, you’ll have to search more specifically for a comparison site that offers business energy services. Though many of the big names are getting in on the game, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting the best service – especially if the platform is geared towards consumers in general.
If finding a new energy supplier is a top priority for your business, these five business energy comparison websites are a great place to start:

Uswitch for business
Rather than folding their business services into their existing consumer-focused platform, Uswitch has chosen to go above and beyond with a separate service entirely for business customers. Uswitch for business is designed specifically for business energy customers, meeting the more stringent needs and requirements surrounding contracts and usage. This means you’re getting a service designed specifically for your needs, instead of something tacked-on to an existing platform.
In terms of service, Uswitch for business provides a viable platform to search for the best market rates across the five main types of energy contract, allowing you to pick the most competitive price without going back and forth. With many big names included on their list, from Scottish Power to SSE, CNG to Eon and British Gas, there’s a comprehensive list of options for businesses of all shapes, sizes and requirements.
With the added option for business insurance and broadband, it’s entirely possible to do all the switching you need in one dedicated location. If you’re looking for the comprehensive package for a new business or all your utilities’ renewal dates are coming up at once, Uswitch for business may be the right choice for you.

You’ll likely have heard of comparison giant MoneySuperMarket when it comes to online bill comparison. Still, you may not know that the company also offers business energy comparison, as well as separate gas and electric comparison, alongside its more consumer-based offerings. Advertising up to £713 saved on energy bills, and boasting a five-minute return on quotes, this service is on the practical side.
With business services dating back to 2005, and experience with switching over 250,000 companies, MoneySuperMarket isn’t a newcomer to the field of business energy comparison – which falls in its favour. All the ‘big six’ suppliers are included on their comparison list, including EDF, British Gas, Npower and Eon, which again makes them a versatile and comprehensive solution for many businesses.
While MoneySuperMarket seems to be focusing solely on business energy now, they could branch out in the future to cover additional aspects of business utilities. With a UK-based team and some of the biggest suppliers on the market, this platform includes all the bases for the average business, and while you need to arrange a call back for a quote, it may be worth the extra time investment.

Compare The Market
Compare The Market is another big name in the comparison industry that’s leapt over to business – and business energy specifically. Slotted in with all the other services on their site, it can be a little challenging to find their business offerings alongside their consumer services. Advertising savings of up to £605, Compare The Market falls a little behind on their advertised savings, but they make up for it through their partnership with a specialist, expert service.
Compare The Market doesn’t deal with business energy comparison in-house. Instead, it’s dealt with by industry specialists Bionic, providing an arguably higher standard of service thanks to their unique expertise. While it appears that Compare The Market has been in the game less time than their competitors, they’re still off to a positive start – with green business energy on offer as well as standard energy.
For consumers that enjoy the specific perks that Compare The Market offers, their business services don’t quite have that same appeal. None of their extras – or any other bonus – is included with their comparison service for business energy. But it’s doubtful that would be a dealbreaker for any company looking for the best deal.

Go Compare
If you’ve watched TV in the past few years, you likely already know all about Go Compare and what it can offer the average household. But through a service called with Energylinx for Business, Go Compare also provides a dedicated business energy service. With a slick interface and more thought-out design, Go Compare is undoubtedly up there in terms of delivering something cornered off for businesses specifically – something many comparison sites fall down on.
Go Compare supports a host of different tariffs, green energy options and more to allow you plenty of choices over which supplier you work with. Energylinx is also advertised as an entirely independent service, making it completely unbiased when it comes to the suppliers listed – a vital thing to note if this is something you’re concerned about.
Overall, Go Compare is a good all-rounder. It isn’t spectacular, but it provides a lot for businesses of all shapes and sizes to find a reasonable energy rate for their needs. It also helps that the platform offers plenty of guides to talk you through the process, allowing you to make more informed decisions for your company.

Simply Switch
Advertising themselves as a free and impartial business energy comparison platform, Simply Switch is a part of the well-known Moneyexpert family. With savings advertised of £260 per year for businesses, plus full backing under the Government’s Power to Switch scheme, Simply Switch is probably the most business-focused option on the list in terms of credentials as well as comprehensive service.
While this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting excellent rates, it does mean there’s more reason to trust the unbiased nature of the platform. With information and guidance on green energy, information about what to watch out for with suppliers and more, this option is a valuable resource for small businesses or companies just starting out that need a little extra help.
Bespoke quotes, a 4.5-out-of-5 rating and a simple switching process are some of the main features of Simply Switch. For many companies, that’s enough to make it a viable option. And plenty to ensure they get a good deal for their money, whatever the size of the business.
Switching Business Energy Supplier: Which should I pick?
There’s no one way to pick a comparison site – but in our opinion, you don’t want to put your eggs in one basket. Don’t be afraid to compare the comparison sites as it were, checking supplier rates on each platform to find the best deal for you.
Of course, there are plenty of other options on the market to try – but these top five options offer plenty of variety, and a few different approaches to business energy to help you find the best deal. Before you leap a new supplier, it’s also worth checking what you existing supplier could offer, too, especially if they know you’re willing to go elsewhere. Comparison sites are a valuable resource – but picking what’s best for your business is ultimately down to you.
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